It is not the 4th of February, World Cancer Day. Nor the 19th of October, World Breast Cancer Day. But there is no need to wait for specific days in the calendar to help and tackle this disease that affects so many people, and which always needs resources to continue research. Astigarraga Kit Line has joined the campaign of Base Protection Group S.A., a company that, along with P3 Suministros de Protección, has manufactured pink gloves, in support of the campaign initiated by the Association for the support of women affected by breast and/or gynaecological cancer in Gipuzkoa, Katxalin.
It is true that every little helps. This saying teaches us not to downplay the importance of small things, because they can become a part of achieving something more important. P3 Suministros de Protección and Base Protection Group are adding companies to collaborate with the Katxalin campaign. The more the merrier, because 10% of the sales of the ATG MaxiFlex Active glove model will go to this association from Gipuzkoa. Anything that supports regaining strength and helping to overcome all those daily difficulties they face is always good news.
Solidarity gloves against cancer
At Astigarraga Kit Line, we wanted to collaborate by including these pink gloves in our manufacturing workshop equipment.

Katxalin is an association in Gipuzkoa that was founded by ten women and currently has more than 700 members. Aware that it is not easy to cope with this disease, they offer several services to overcome daily difficulties: social assistance, volunteer care, physiotherapy and individual and group psychological care.