The symbol of a flower whose petals are the stars of the flag of the European Union. This is the logo of the European Ecolabel, the organisation’s official system for recognising environmentally friendly products and services. The European Commission is responsible for this label, delegating its management, in the case of the Basque Country, to the Vice-Ministry of Environmental Sustainability of the Basque Government. From Astigarraga Kit Line, a company with Ecolabel from 2019, we interviewed Gorane Ibarra, head of Corporate Communication at Ihobe, the Basque Government’s Public Company for Environmental Management, alsoresponsible for the European Ecolabel in the Basque Country.

-What led to the creation of Ecolabel?

-The creation of this label arose from the need to clearly and truthfully identify those products and services that are more environmentally friendly.

-Besides the fact that it is the EU Ecolabel, could you explain to us what the main objectives of Ecolabel are?

-The main objective of this label is to promote products and services that have a lower environmental impact compared to other similar products on the market. By consuming these products, we contribute directly to a more rational and efficient use of resources. However, it is important to remember that the first step towards reducing our impact as consumers is to minimise consumption.

-Why do you think it is important for companies to obtain the Ecolabel?

-Given the growing public concern about environmental issues, obtaining the Ecolabel is a strategic decision for companies. In reviewing the environmental criteria for awarding the label, the quality of the products is also assessed, ensuring that they are equal to or better than others on the market. This means that these products are not only of high quality, but also better protect our environment. In addition, by opting for this line of business, companies demonstrate their environmental commitment, which can distinguish them from their competitors.

-Astigarraga Kit Line has been an Ecolabel company since 2019. It is very familiar with the painstaking process required to obtain the Ecolabel. But for those companies considering it, what are the main requirements and criteria?

To obtain the European Ecolabel, a company must comply with the set criteria for a certain product group. In the case of Astigarraga Kit Line, they have meet the criteria for furniture.

We are talking about three types of criteria:

  1. Technical criteria, such as limiting the use of hazardous substances or the obligation to have a chain of custody, among others.
  2. Quality criteria, to demonstrate that products are fit for use, include specific warranties or are designed for disassembly.
  3. Information criteria, to ensure correct identification of the Ecolabel and to provide the necessary information for the proper use of the product.

-What kind of support and advice does Ecolabel have for Basque Country companies interested in environmental issues and wishing to obtain this certification?

Every year, the Basque Government’s Vice-Ministry of Environmental Sustainability publishes a line of subsidies for investments in environmental protection. This subsidy, exclusively for SMEs, covers consultancy costs for the implementation of the Ecolabel and verification costs.

Any interested company can contact Ihobe, the Basque Government’s public company, for more information.

-For Astigarraga Kit Line, the fact that our furniture bears the Ecolabel is essential in proving that we design and manufacture ecological solid wood furniture, controlling the entire supply chain, minimising the environmental impact and using resources efficiently… Nowadays, what are the benefits of positioning a company as ecological?

The benefits are clear. In addition to environmental differentiation from other companies in the sector, it enhances the company’s brand image and reputation. It also responds to the growing consumer demand for rigorous and reliable information on the products they buy.

-How does the Ecolabel contribute towards reducing the environmental impactin the furniture manufacturing sector?

-The European Ecolabel helps reduce the environmental impact of furniture manufacturing through technical criteria that must be met in order to be awarded the label. These criteria limit the use of hazardous substances, both in the product itself and in the production process, and also regulate the plastics, metals, upholstery or glass that the furniture may contain. In the case of wood, they also ensure that it comes from non-genetically modified species. All this obviously ensures that the environmental impact of the manufacturing processes is reduced.

-Many companies boast that they produce environmentally friendly products. ‘Eco’ sells. Is all that glitters gold?

-No, indeed, all that glitters is not gold. Avoiding this is one of the main objectives of the European label. Companies that have been awarded the Ecolabel, in addition to having had to justify the above criteria with a life cycle approach, have had to pass a verification process carried out by the relevant competent body, which ensures that the demanding criteria have been met in a truthful manner.

-Consumers are used to encountering labels on most products. With so many labels, is it logical that they end up not knowing which one to trust?

Yes, and as the competent body in the Basque Country, this is as much a concern for the European Commission as it is for us. We need to get consumers to identify which labels exist, which ones are truthful and what information they provide. Ihobe has produced several guides on the subject, but we must continue working to ensure that the public is aware and has the criteria to make its own purchasing decisions.

Gorane Ibarra, head of Corporate Communication at Ihobe, the Basque Government’s Public Company for Environmental Management, alsoresponsible for the European Ecolabel in the Basque Country.

-Do you notice an increase in consumer demand for sustainable and Ecolabel certified products? Are consumers willing to make the effort to purchase products with this and other certifications?

Although we would like to see more demand, there is definitely interest, as evidenced by the increase in company requests for labels. It is also important to consider that there are different types of consumer agents, not just people who shop in supermarkets. Let us not forget that the public administration is also a major consumer. There is currently a big push for green public procurement in the Basque administration, and the European Ecolabel has always been one of the most practical tools for its implementation.

-What is your long-term vision for the Ecolabel in the furniture sector and how do you expect sustainability in this industry to evolve?

The furniture sector, especially in the Basque Country, has been a pioneer in incorporating eco-design strategies with a life cycle vision. Because of this, and the importance that has always been given to sustainability, I believe that this is a road of no return. What we have seen is that companies, once they get their first eco-label, tend to expand their product portfolio with this labelling scheme.

-What advice would you give to a furniture manufacturing company that is considering starting the process to obtain the Ecolabel?

-First, they should review the criteria for the award of the European Ecolabel, available on the European Commission’s website or on our website, If you consider it feasible to obtain the label, I would recommend that you contact us to initiate the process, as the costs are low. If they do not see this as feasible, it may be a good time to consider which criteria are not being met and how much effort the organisation might put into making the necessary changes to achieve compliance.